Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Almost purple rain

During the last rainfalls here on the Riviera, we had some very warm winds sweeping in. I thought it was quite pleasant. Turns out these winds come from the Sahara dessert, the rain that fell therefore contained a brown/red sand, which is now covering all vehicles, windows, and balcony rails in the region. As a result, 3 of my shirts are now stained by Sahara sand. The only people happy about the situation are probably the car wash owners who must regard it as a blessing from the sky.


Tuesday, May 27, 2008


It is easier to come to terms with mistakes you have done, than getting over what you wish you had done but never did.


Monday, May 26, 2008

The Adonis Dictionary - Tourist


tour·ist /ˈtʊər ɪst/ Pronunciation Key [too r-ist]


A person traveling, especially for pleasure, usaully staying in hotels and going sightseeing. Is often seen walking very slowly in stupid looking clothes, (e.g. flowered shirts, shorts, and sandals with socks in them), with little idea of where they are, what they are looking at, and what they have just ordered in the overprized restaurant with the charmy waitor who invited them from off the street.


Friday, May 23, 2008

Than the man II

A few hours after I published the previous post about Burma and senior general Than Shwe, I got the news that he is now letting aid organizations into the country unconditionally. I guess he must have read my post and realized the inhumanity in his irrational behavior. It might also be a result of UN chief secretary Ban Ki-Moon's negotiations.

Than the man

I want to express my disgust for the Burmese military junta for not doing more to help the victims of cyclone Nargir. They are not letting aid organizations into the country freely, so far only a quarter of the 2.4 million affected have received aid. And journalists have extremely limited rights to move around in the effected regions and cover the misery. Through a reporter at the Guardian who managed to slip by government controls, we are given some insight into the ridiculous efforts made by the inhumane and despotic senior general Than Shwe. A camp of 40 tents is set up outside of Rangoon, 40 tents! The handouts of rice are so insufficient that villagers have to draw straws to decide who will get food and who won’t. The only full hearted effort from inside the country comes from Rangoon civilians who have set up small scale aid stations, handing out one cup of rice per person.

It is my hope that the government’s weak response will spur a general discontent with the junta, which will lead to mass protests, (which of course will be met by deadly violence) and later along the line with a little help from some foreign intelligence agency with selfish motives, a coup d’état. Then a western friendly, faux democratic regime is put in place, the country is opened up to western capitalist interests, and people will leave the countryside to work for slave wages at Nike or HM. Hm…


Thursday, May 22, 2008

Orange Jews



Tuesday, May 20, 2008

What indians joke about

Patient: "Last night I dreamt I was a Tepee, and the night before I dreamt I was a Wigwam."

Psychiatrist: "Relax, you're two tents!"

[tents sound like tense]

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Hate to say I toad you so

Some people in China are saying that the earthquake could have been predicted, that reports from seismologists about abnormal activity were discarded by the government, that rapidly changing water levels should have been a warning sign, and that strange animal behaviour should have been interpreted as an omen. It is the latter theory that interests me. This strange behaviour includes cows launching themselves into fences, zebras banging their heads on doors, elephants swinging their trunks wildly, and toads swarming a town that was later devastated by the quake. A Chinese TV station did a reportage on the toad infestation. If you want to watch the video, it is still available. It wouldn’t surprise me though if it disappears shortly. People who have been spreading rumors about the quake's possible prediction are going to be punished accoding to the government. The nature of the punishment was not revealed. Also, when a reporter asked a question about these rumors at a live news conference, it was immidiately cut off to show archived footage. When they came back on air, no more questions of this nature were posed.
The idea that animals can sense when a natural disaster is lurking around the bend is known since long. American scientists have even researched the phenomena but without conclusions. Thinking about it only wrinkles my forehead and I can't come up with any logical or illogical hypothesis.
There is a lot of superstition surrounding the toad. Some see it as an embodiment of an evil spirit or a witch; some see it as a sign of good fortune, and others, as a sign of impending death! But let’s be reasonable, unless the toad is nature’s own seismometer, this swarming thing was just a fluke. But if I should ever happen to see more than 5 frogs at the same time, I'm not sure I would stick around..

Thursday, May 15, 2008

My body is a wonderland

I have finally started to see some results from my "rigorous” physical training. Without buying a gym card or compromising my lifestyle (beer, wine, cheese etc) too much, I ran a half marathon at a descent amateur time, my muscles are getting bigger and my stomach smaller (with a name like Adonis, you have a lot to live up to). It is like turning back the hands of time in a way when you start to look like you did 5 years ago. So why this shallow fixation with physical appearance? Well, at my age, that is somewhere between 25 and 30, you have to start taking care of yourself if you still want to look like Daniel Craig in James Bond when you’re 45, if you still want to play tennis when you’re 65, and if you still want to play golf when you’re 75. Plus if you let yourself go for too long, your stomach fat will get so attached to your body that the only way to remove it would be through a small but powerful hose (own theory).

I used to think that exercise freaks had their priorities wrong, and if the obsession with fitness takes control of your life, I still regard it as “unhealthy”. But if you view it from an evolutionary theory perspective, exercise freaks and muscle idiots are easier to understand. Ever since the beginning of our history as humans, starting with “Homo Erectus” and to a certain extent even with the plain monkeys, social status and physical appearance have been crucial qualities in fulfilling our strongest drive, sexual reproduction. If you happen to believe in divine creation and all that, and you are offended by the notion of primate forefathers, then I apologize for my omniscient arrogance but I won’t take this perspective into account.

To get back to the point I am trying to make, physical appearance has for a long long time been a key success factor in attracting a partner to mate with. If monkeys and Neanderthals would have had a greater understanding about physiology, they probably would have started to work out. Even though other qualities like social status, intelligence and reliability have more importance to most people in modern times, appearance will always be key quality. So from now on whenever I see muscle freaks, I will no longer think or say anything condescending about them. They are probably just trying to compensate for lack of other key qualities. Only problem is, they are overcompensating. Right girls?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sneeze please!

I want to touch upon an important subject. Sneezing and the people who don't. I have come across a few people in my lifetime who hold back their sneezes. One of them is sitting in front of me right now as I type. Whether by chance or not, they have all come across as a bit weird to me. Sneezing, as everybody knows, is the body’s reaction to unwanted particles in the nose or sinuses. It can be something you breath in, dead bacteria going out (a cold), or it can be caused by sharp light. Yes, it’s true, one out of three people sometimes sneeze when exposed to bright light, some doctors call them “photics”.

Holding back a sneeze impulse can be dangerous due to the high pressure exerted on your ear canals. There have even been reports of people suffering from a stroke, trying to suffocate a sneeze impulse. So why do people behave in this way? Because they think it hurts? Because they don't want to contaminate people? Or because they regard it as bad manners to sneeze if it's not in a tissue? And most importantly, why does this irritate me so much?


Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Island in the sun

I am going to Corsica, the island of wild boars, for a few days. I have watched those big yellow boats come in and out of the harbor for almost 2 years, and finally I'll be on one. I will be enjoying the amazing beaches of Porto Vechio where we have rented a house, drinking Pietra, the chestnut beer, and eating.. wild boars. As I doubt that the island is dense with internet cafes, I will probably not publish anything until Monday. In case I do come up with, or experience something hilarious that I cannot wait to share, I will of course make it my business to find one.


There is a short bus transporting us between the different company sites at work in case we need to go for a meeting or, as in most cases, if we want to eat lunch at the other restaurant. Some time ago, a friend from work told me he had met an older Swedish guy at the bus stop who he had spoken to once or twice before. The following conversation took place:

Older Swedish guy: "Do you also ride the bus?"
My friend: "Yes"
Older Swedish guy: "How lame"

In original language:

"Åker du oxå bussen?"
"Vad mesigt"


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Swedish King

Caught smoking at a Nobel Prize dinner, the only reaction he can muster is to remove the cigarette from his mouth in the strangest possible manner. Perhaps he thought that by looking like a fool who doesn’t really know how a cigarette works, somehow his innocence would be preserved.

One of the reasons why I don't support the Swedish Monarchy


Monday, May 5, 2008

Be afraid.. beavery afraid

The funniest news coming out of Sweden since that old lady was caught with 11 swans in her apartment is the beaver attack that occurred yesterday. I read today in a Swedish newspaper that a four year old girl was attacked by a beaver when her father had stopped the car to film the magical creature. According to himself, he had not noticed that his daughter approached the beaver who was sitting peacefully in a field. And the gist of the article is to me the little girls own comment on the mauling. She said she thought "the beaver was stupid."

As she grows up and understands that animals don't really attack people out of stupidity, my bet is that she will hold disregard towards her father who let her approach a wild animal with sharp big teeth, claws and a powerful tail.

Apparently this is not the first beaver mauling in Sweden. In August last year, a grandmother who took a swim with her grandchildren got bit and whipped by this vicious amphibious rodent. And apparently, quite like in a cartoon, a beaver in Norway had a tree fall down over a bus back in 2003. The only person injured in the "accident", was ironically a veterinarian.
