Friday, August 1, 2008

Don't visit Malaysia 2007

Since I am on a long vacation, (or between jobs as you might put it) I have had the pleasure of watching a lot of TV lately. I have also had the mixed pleasure of watching commercial campaigns to boost tourism in some, mostly eastern countries. These TV commercials all follow the same principle, nice scenery, hospitable old people, beautiful girls dressed in folklore outfits, accompanied by the cheesiest music a la Celine Dion. The one that annoys me the most is the publicity for Malaysia. It’s featuring one of the worst songs I have ever heard in a commercial, not counting for example short cat food jingles. It’s so horrific that it crawls beneath my skin and makes me instinctively reach for the remote to change the channel. If the remote would not work I think I would jump out the window or head butt my lightweight flat screen TV Zinedine Zidane style. I dare anyone to find a worse or more annoying song than this one. Without further ado, I give you Malaysia’s “Visit Malaysia 2007 – One Golden Celebration" campaign.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

god it is absolutely horrible! It seems to me the music is out of some cheesy assed Disney film (the only context it can ever only just make it) and even then it still makes me cringe...