In Sweden, if you vote against a controversial law on wire-tapping all digital traffic crossing the nation’s borders, your right wing party colleagues will tell you that soon you might not have any friends left.
A·don·is (ə-dŏn'ĭs, ə-dō'nĭs) 1. Greek Mythology. A strikingly beautiful youth loved by Aphrodite. 2. Often A very handsome young man. [Greek Adōnis, of Phoenician origin.]
Soccer can bring forth both the worst and the best in people. On one side, a joy and spirit that is transcending nations and politics, which unites people with different backgrounds and can give a great sense of national accomplishment, and on the other side, the worst possible combination of feelings: frustration, disappointment and sorrow. Right now, and so many times before, that is what I am experiencing. And I wonder if it is worth it, supporting the Swedish national team. The possibility in terms of good player material has been there for a long time now, but nothing special seems to come out of it. I know a certain coach who should have his license to live revoked..
Israel has just confirmed the long awaited cease fire with Hamas that might lead to further compromises as release of hostages and ease of the Gaza strip blockade. This might enable a new climate for diplomatic negotiations in the near future.
Obama has appointed Patti Solis Doyle, who was fired from the Clinton campaign over a dispute with Ms Clinton, to a key position in his campaign, thus sending a clear message that Ms Clinton is not likely to be his Vice President.
The Swedish parliament has decided to reconsider the controversial and disputed law proposition to legalize wire-tapping of all electronic traffic crossing the Swedish border.
After a recent visit to a gay club, where pick-up methods can be quite straightforward to use a euphemism, I have for the first time experienced what it must be like for some girls who tend to get a lot of male attention in the clubs. That is to say, trying to defend yourself from being groped/kissed/licked in the face by guys who don’t really care if you approve or not. I am not complaining, you walk into a gay club and you deal with the culture, but it helped me understand why some girls develop a cold or bitchy attitude towards guys in clubs. After being subjected to less sophisticated approaches time after time, I guess you loose faith a bit in the opposite sex and develop a blasé attitude. On the other hand.. if you peel of all the social etiquette, learned morals and inhibitions, perhaps the guys in the gay club were just.. free.